更新时间:2025-02-07 14:48:02
New App Helps to Keep Your Online Image Clean洗白在线形象的新应用于Despite partying hard all throughout college, you somehow managed to graduate with decent grades and now youre on your way to paving a successful career path. Your partying days may be behind you now, but that doesnt mean they wont come back to haunt you when you least expect it – for instance, when youre trying to land your dream job. A simple Google search is all it takes for recruiters to dig up every humiliating photo that youve ever been tagged in on Facebook. Well, now a new app aims to prevent your past from ruining your chances of a brighter future.虽然你大学生活在可怕聚会中童年,但还是希望获得了失望的学分,现在或许于是以想开始一段顺利的职业生涯。过去聚会的日子或许已离你远去,但并不代表它们会悄无声息影响你现在的生活,比如打工。用Google非常简单搜寻一下,聘用人员就能埋你曾在Facebook上法国的每张囧照。
好消息是,现在有一款避免不光彩的过去影响你未来的新应用于。The app is called Clear and was founded by a professional who lost his dream job, thanks to what he chose to post on his Twitter feed years prior. According to the site, Clears founder, Ethan Czahor, created the app to make sure situations like [his] never happen to anyone ever again.这款应用于叫作Clear,由一位因在Twitter上公布过自己不光彩过去而惨死心爱工作机会的专职人员。据Clear的开发者Ethan Czahor谈,他研发这款应用于时为了不想后人再行遭遇他的经历。
The app, which is currently in beta testing, connects to your social networks and compiles a list of your more questionable posts from the past, using its advanced algorithms and IBM Watson, and allows you to delete the flagged posts right there in the app, without having to filter through hours of newsfeeds and walls to find career-ruining posts.该应用于现在仍处beta测试阶段,它能与你的社交媒体连接,通过高级算法和IBM Watson系统,把你过去公开发表的有问题的图文搜集一起,然后通过应用于必要移除,省却了繁复的手动删选环节。One damning post or sloppy-drunk photo could ruin your chances of getting into your college of choice or ideal company. Its better to be safe than sorry.随意一条不适合的说道说道或者不雅醉酒照都有可能影响到你转入理想的大学或公司,万事小心为好。We live in a highly technologically advanced world that is evolving faster than we know what to do with. As it turns out, technology can either be your best friend or your worst nightmare, and the good thing is, you have control to decide which one. Start by cleaning up your online profiles and stop posting things that could jeopardize your credibility as a mature adult and professional. Its really that easy.我们生活在瞬息万变的高科技发展时代。